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Release Blockages - Meet your authentic Self - Live your Dream


A bi-weekly self check-in

to have regular check ins with your intentions.

to become the person you dream to be.

to feel more connected to your self.

to shine your light.

20€ for 2 self check-ins


On An 8-Weeks Journey

are you...

... happy, but something is missing?

... often focusing on pleasing others?

... unsure what you actually need and want?

... struggling to make decisions?

... afraid to set boundaries and offend others?

then let's connect you with your truest and most authentic self, through the power of your own breath.



We use a continuous breathing technique, to access non-ordinary states of consciousness and support your well-being.

With Breathwork, we can face fears, let go of coping mechanisms that no longer serve us and get in touch with ourselves again.

No matter if you want to get in touch with your self, thrive for peak performance or want to regulate your nervous system. I will guide you to let go of blockages in your BodyMind System, so you can live your full potential.

You are your own healer!
With your breath as your tool.


"Meine 1:1 Breathwork Reise mit dir war einfach toll. Ich habe mich so wohl gefühlt und konnte somit leicht in den Trance Zustand gelangen. Deine Erklärungen vorab haben es mir leicht gemacht während dieser intensiven Erfahrung entspannt und geerdet zu bleiben. Das was du anbietest ist einzigartig und ich kann es jedem zu 100% empfehlen mit dir tief in eine Breathwork Session einzutauchen. "


online & in person

In our Breathwork Journey, we will uncover what keeps you stuck, reconnect with your intuition and release emotions that hold you back.


1:1 Journey

Sessions that are tailored to your unique needs and goals to reach your full potential.

Duration: 2-3h


Group Journey

We get to reconnect with ourselves and with other likeminded humans on our own individual journeys.

Duration: 2-3h


I know trying something new can bring a feeling of nervousness, so let's take it step by step to see if this is right for you,

There are no attachments, I am happy to give some more information about what to expect.

You will receive an E-Mail with more info shortly.


This Breathwork technique is not safe to be practiced when pregnant.


Breathwork is not recommended for people with a personal or family history of epilepsy, seizures, cardio vascular problems including angina or heart attacks, high blood pressure, aneurysms, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, or recent physical injuries, surgery or illness. Particularly if those involve the brain, mouth, teeth, nose, thyroid, immune system, lymphatic system, lungs, chest, ribs, spine, neck and/or reproductive organs.


Breathwork is also not recommended for people with a history of mental illness, personality disorders, hospitalisation for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis, suicidality, psychosis, drug or alcohol addiction. If so, it should be practiced with a trained psychologist or in close connection to one.


Please consult with your healthcare provider (physical and mental) before a session if you have any of the above mentioned contraindications, of if you are not sure if Breathwork is for you.​


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